slanging match

美 [ˈslæŋɪŋ mætʃ]英 [ˈslæŋɪŋ mætʃ]
  • n.互相谩骂

复数: slanging matches

slanging matchslanging match


BrE informal互相谩骂
an angry argument in which people insult each other

slanging match


  • 1
    N-COUNT 互相谩骂;对骂
    A slanging match is an angry quarrel in which people insult each other.

    They conducted a public slanging match.


  1. What started as a well-conducted argument , soon developed into a slanging match .


  2. They conducted a public slanging match .


  3. The press conference ended up in a slanging match , each side shouting at the other .


  4. We had a full-scale slanging match .


  5. The politicians ' idea of a tax debate is a slanging match about top marginal rates , not an intelligent rethink of the payroll tax wedge .


  6. The second consequence of the global imbalance perspective is that it has created an opposition between current account deficit and current account surplus countries , which has become a slanging match between the US and China .


  7. In the overlap between science and religion it is necessary to " move the debate to a higher plane , away from the childish slanging match that afflicts this whole subject ", says Dr Davies .


  8. Neil : No , each side were blaming the other for not honoring their employment contract . The press conference ended up in a slanging match , each side shouting at the other .


  9. Recently " Ken " met with 23-year-old Valeria Lukyanova , a Ukrainian model who has turned herself into a living Barbie . But when they saw each other for the first time they immediately fell out and started a catty slanging match about make-up and cosmetic operations 。
